Podcast Season 1

Ep 13: Queen Elizabeth II's Impact on Popular Culture | Navigating Social Discourse with Authentic Dialogue

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How has the life and recent death of Queen Elizabeth II influenced popular culture as we know it today?     

It seems like the recent news of Queen Elizabeth II’s death and the current state of the British Monarchy is yet another event that is dividing people across media and creating even more polarization in our collective culture. 

From feelings of admiration and appreciation for the Queen and the British Monarchy to feelings of disdain, suffering, and ill will; you’ll find a little bit of everything from voices across the globe that can cause confusion and overwhelm. 

In this episode, Sundiata uses authentic dialogue as a tool of liberation to share how he’s been navigating social discourse in order to adjust his worldview. 

We propose that all feelings can be valid and that we can still interrogate and hold systems of oppression accountable while not taking the time to demonize one individual or one entity. 

Tune in to discover how we can communicate, online and offline, in a way that honors everyone’s feelings and lived experience.

GD Founder: Sundiata Soon-Jahta

Producer: Maryella Marie



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