Podcast Season 1

Ep 4: Mercer Carlin on Leaving the Vision of "Normal" Behind | From Corporate Leadership to Grassroots Work

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In this transparent and insightful episode, Dr. Sundiata Soon-Jahta chats with Mercer Carlin to reveal the challenges behind navigating identity and otherness in corporate spaces, and why she transitioned into grassroots work in order to support her #liberation and the liberation of others.

GD Founder: Sundiata Soon-Jahta

Producer: Maryella Marie



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More about Mercer Carlin:

Mercer spent from 1987-2016 in various corporate environments. From 1997-2016 Mercer was a co-founder and executive at a marketing organization juggling many different roles, but was always focused on the culture and the attempt to make the environment nurturing vs depleting. When Mercer left in 2016, she was responsible for over 1000 employees and 4 different locations. From 2016 - 2021 Mercer provided executive coaching and leadership development for organizations.

“All of that said, I self identify as someone who is trying to use my life and resources for good in the world which includes community building, coaching, facilitating sessions for teams and groups and finding my ways to create reparations and spread the wealth I have earned and inherited.”

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