Podcast Season 1

Ep 9: Ira X Armstrong on Embodying Freedom & NonViolent Communication to Shift the Paradigm

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Tune into another timely and visionary interview that shines a light on emerging voices in #PopCulture spaces. 

In this episode, get ready to celebrate the beauty of decolonizing identity while creating a deep sense of belonging through authentic dialogue and nonviolent communication.

Let’s learn and grow together by listening and sharing this ​​intimate conversation where Sundiata chats with Freedom Fighter, Social Entrepreneur, AfroFuturist, Artist, Parent, & Educator, Ira X Armstrong, to share their vision of how society can transition to a more collaborative, just, sustainable, and liberating coexistence. 

You don’t want to miss this one! Listen, reflect, and share this episode with your people!

See Ira X Armstrong’s bio plus ways to connect with them below.

GD Founder: Sundiata Soon-Jahta

Producer: Maryella Marie



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More about Ira X Armstrong:

Ira X Armstrong is a Freedom Fighter, Social Entrepreneur and Educator.

Ira (they/he) is a trans non-binary diasporic African 3rd gender and an unregistered Choctaw two-spirit. An infrastructure specialist who helps create outdoor education settings, Ira has also shut down bridges, freeways, and government buildings in order to stop the machine from running over the people, as needed.

Ira consults with political campaigns as well as with ally and accomplice organizations in technology, finance, and education in order to create safe spaces for trans, queer, Black, and poor folx.

Ira is a founder at PEACE Out Loud, a queer, Black, Brown, and poor people-led Social Permaculture enterprise in the San Francisco Bay Area, and they are dedicated to Self Determination, Outdoor and Freedom Education, and building Consent Culture.

Ira is also part of a coalition of folx building to end rape culture in the next 30 years.

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